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Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) Economics

Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)

FRED is an open-sourced economic database maintained by the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. It has 800K+ series from 114 sources.

WorldBank Economics Country


WorldBank contains economics data by country. It's in the FRED database as well but the fred database is selective on the WorldBank data.

FiveThirtyEight Survey Political


It is a polling website that contains opinion poll analysis, politics, economics, and sports blogging in the United States. It has 4 main timeseries aggregate dataset of polling data, which includes the polling for politics mainly. The aggregate dataset are presidential_general_averages, approval_averages, favorability_averages, and generic_ballot_averages. There are also some sports data but the sports data are mainly cross-sectional. Content is free to share and use, followed by CC BY 4.0 DEED.

GoogleTrends Social Media


GoogleTrends seems self-explanatory. The current database contains main categories trends for monthly frequency. And also some selective queries that are claimed to have predictive power from academic papers, like Job, etc.

Kaggle General


Kaggle is a data science competition platform, and contains lots of real-world datasets. from search, over 1,000 + datasets are time series, but I filter to 4 repostories mainly because the data are updated by the author regularly or its not overlapped with other official sources or due to the data license. They are politically related like political-polarization-in-us-congress, massive-missile-attacks-on-ukraine, 2022-ukraine-russian-war, daily-statistics-of-the-2022-iran-protests.

Meteostat Climate


Meteostat is one of the largest vendors of open weather and climate data. I use the bulk data service to obtain weather data for 10 highest GDP cities based on its coordinates ranked by country GDP.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a US scientific and regulatory agency charged with forecasting weather, monitoring oceanic and atmospheric conditions, charting the seas, conducting deep-sea exploration, and managing fishing and protection of marine mammals and endangered species in the US exclusive economic zone. The database tracks Annual Greenhouse Gas Index (AGGI) and CH4, CO2, N2O, SF6 levels.

Climate Health

World Air Quality Index Project

This is tracking the air quality measurements for various pollutants for the top 10 GDP countries capital as well as the cities for the stock exchange. so its tracking Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing for China, etc. Trying to capture the climate in a more comprehesive way.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Agriculture

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

FAO contains lots of price data but the database tracks the aggregate measures only to limit the scope of the database. It tracks the monthly price indices from main commodities, All, Cereal , Vegetable Oil, Dairy, Meat, Sugar. Also, it tracks the Grains and Oilseeds Index from International Grains Council, which I found it from FAO.


Transparency International

the database tracks Corruption Perceptions Index from the Transparency International. but it also cites data from other sources that composes the index, including African Development Bank CPIA, Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index, Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index, Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings, Freedom House Nations in Transit, Global Insights Country Risk Ratings, IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, PERC Asia Risk Guide, PRS International Country Risk Guide, Varieties of Democracy Project, World Bank CPIA, World Economic Forum EOS, World Justice Project Rule of Law Index.


U.S. Department of Transportation

the database tracks The Transportation Services Index (TSI), created by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), measures the movement of freight and passengers Also metrics that compose the index, including the Freight TSI, Passenger TSI, and Combined TSI etc. From this source, it cites the National Highway Construction Cost Index (NHCCI) from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as well.

YouGov Survey General


YouGov has on-going surveys on various topics, including politics, economics, and social issues. e.g. Britain's mood, measured weekly, Government Approval etc. They are updated in a regular basis, and the data is free to use.

Economics Climate General Health


OurWorldInData contains lots of data on global issues, including economics, health, and climate. Still working on this source to extract data by topics and graphs, but for now, I simply use the official github repo to extract the 4 aggregate dataset for 1) poverty and inequality measures, 2) energy consumption, production, and mix data, 3) CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions data, and 4) COVID-19 data including cases, deaths, hospitalizations. Most data are annual data and filtered by major countries and areas for now to limit the size of the database.

Economics General


Gapminder is an independent educational non-profit fighting global misconceptions. It contains lots of data on global issues, including economics, health, and climate, data overlap with worldbank I think, the data is tracked using its 2 main github repositories, ddf--gapminder--fasttrack, and ddf--gapminder--systema_globalis, and to limit the scope of database, only the major countries and areas are included.

YahooFinance Finance Economics General


YahooFinance contains daily stock data for the United States. Individual Return data seems hard to extract signal and require some processing for better usage of the data. So I only use index, futures, ETF and SP500 continuents to include in the database, hoping to capture the signals


FiscalData Treasury.

It contains the US Treasury's data, including the Monthly Treasury Statement, which provides information on the government's cash and debt operations. The database tracks the national debt levels and ratios to GDP, unemployment fund data etc.

Economics General


This is the HK government data portal, I try to find time series or indices but raw government data requires more processing so its still on-going. Currently, I track Ratio of new registrations to active businesses, departure and arrival of tourists from immigrations.

Economics Housing

Centaline Property

Housing indices including housing leading index, city index, rental index, manager index and valulation index in Hong Kong hosted by Centaline Property on their official site



Data from various source. This is for data that I only get one series per source or either I gather myself. e.g. Greed and Fear Index (CNN), Greed and Fear Index Crypto (, AAII Sentiment Survey (AAII), inflation from Argentina (inflacion verdadera), Big Mac Index (the Economists), Kimchi premium (yfinance), Mojo Movie Box Office over time (Mojo), ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment (ZEW), Li Keqiang Index (Economist), Baltic Dry Index (, Political Parties Over Time (Wiki) and FED meeting Dates (FED), etc. thinking to add FED Watch probability data

Finance Economics Political General

Researcher Curated Data

This category includes data curated by researchers in fields such as finance, economics, politics, etc. click to see the citations and comprehensive list of the researcher curated data.

General Research

Economic Uncertainty Index

The website hosts lots of economic and political related index curated by researchers, including Economic Policy Uncertainty Index by Countries, Climate Risk Indexes, Oil Price Uncertainty Index, Energy Uncertainty Indexes, World Pandemic Uncertainty Index, Geopolitical Risk Index, Financial Stress Indicator etc.

Finance Research

Factors and Portfolios from Fama-French

The database tracks Fama/French factors and portfolios, including the 5 factors, 5 Industry Portfolio, and 49 Industry Portfolio at various frequencies.